Pharmacist Reveals...

How THIS Strange “African Tribal Warrior Elixir” Saved Me From Having My Colon Removed & Could Help Fix Your Digestive and Skin Issues… While Also Helping You Drop Pounds of Unwanted Belly Fat
It works (when most other solutions fail!) by specifically targeting the root cause of digestive issues... giving you instant relief.
YogaCleanColonSexy BodyGoodHealthGoodPoop
Do you suffer from any of the following issues...

Painful bloating... 😵

Infrequent or inconsistent bowel movements... 🚽

Rectal bleeding... 🩸

Embarrassing “room clearing” gas... 💨

Daytime fatigue... 💢

Belly fat...⛔️

Cravings for sugar and carbs... 🍩

Skin rashes... 🤒

Brain fog... 🧠

If you’ve answered “yes” to any of these problems, I understand your pain.
Symptoms Leaky Gut
My name is Niraj Naik and I’m a certified pharmacist who’s been featured in Forbes, CNN, Fox News, The Guardian, and many more publications.
Even with all my medical knowledge, I found myself suffering from digestive issues.

I know firsthand how miserably they can make your life...

They can make you afraid to eat the foods you love, afraid something might give you a bad reaction, and afraid it will always be this way.

Pain from cramps or the feeling of being bloated can put you in a terrible mood.

It can affect your work day, your responsibilities at home, and worst of all, your social life.

In fact, my digestive issues were so debilitating, I was told by several qualified doctors that to live a normal life, I would need to have my whole colon removed.

Fortunately, through extensive research, I not only managed to avoid surgery...

I solved my gut issues naturally by targeting the root cause of digestive issues...

And this solution has been used for thousands of years as part of Ayurvedic medicine.

This leads me to helping thousands of people across the world...

Just imagine, never having to worry about what you eat...

Indulging in all the delicious foods you love to eat WITHOUT the painful bloating, gas, and cramps...

Imagine waking up in the morning in a good mood, and then gently eliminating your bowels WITHOUT any pain or strain...

NEVER having to hold in gas or go through embarrassing moments in front of friends, family, or even that someone special...

No more loud sounds or awful smells that come from your stall...

Imagine enjoying a flatter belly, as you release 10 to 15 pounds of “stuck poop” from your system that was making you feel bloated and heavy...

Now you feel lighter, sexier, and free.

You have more energy... 💪🏻
Your mood is better... 🤩
And your digestion is working like clockwork. 💩

This is the life you deserve and I’m going to show you how you can get it in just a few seconds.

And this is not what many people use to treat digestive issues like fiber, laxatives, and stool softeners...

In just a second, you’ll learn why these issues may help give you some short-term relief but are not dealing with the root cause of your digestive issues.

In fact, some of these well-known digestive solutions could even be making your digestive issues worse.

I’ll explain more in just a second...

But first, who am I and why should you listen to me?

Once again, my name is Niraj Naik and I’m a certified pharmacist and holistic wellness expert.

I’m also someone who’s battled with debilitating gut issues for most of my life.

In fact...

My gut issues got so bad, doctors wanted to remove my entire colon and replace it with a colostomy bag.

You see, I had been diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis, a horrible condition that causes bleeding ulcers in your colon.
My condition was so bad, I was housebound for over 10 months, bleeding 15 times a day from my backside.
I believed a lot of this was caused by a combination of stress and bad lifestyle choices.
I remember the day clearly, after months of pain and suffering, my trusted doctor’s final solution was to put me on an experimental ‘untested’ drug to try and solve my digestive issues… or face having to remove my whole colon!
I was devastated!
This was going to impact my whole life and I was desperate to find a better solution.
In the next few months, I did! I spent night after night, painstakingly pouring over the latest research…
Looking through every study, article, and book I could find...
I became obsessive!
In my journey, I was shocked to find the number of charlatans, false prophets and disinformation out there when it comes to medical advice.
And what I discovered was…

Most so-called solutions to digestive issues, just simply DON'T work!

I became a pharmacist because I really believed I was helping people to heal people back to normal – but I was wrong!

Instead, I saw people walk away with big shopping bags full of medication. 

All of this medication is designed to treat symptoms and not the root cause of your issues.

And when it came to digestive issues, the common treatments prescribed by doctors in some cases either don’t do anything… or even make your digestive issues much worse.

❌ The ugly truth about Probiotics

Most people suffering from gut health issues turn to probiotics first.

After all, probiotics are touted as a way to rebalance your gut flora, restore your intestinal wall, and decrease inflammation in your intestines.

Sounds great right?

Guess what? For the most part, they’re complete junk!
Waste of time and Money!

Out of the thousands of probiotics available on the market today, there are only a couple of brands that actually
work - and they’re very expensive and difficult to find.

Here’s the thing... most probiotics don’t actually contain any active bacteria.

And if you do happen to buy one that does, the bacteria actually die as it makes its way to your gut.

👉🏽 They’re a waste of time – and money!

Probiotics are incredibly sensitive to temperature, become inactive in storage, and the bacteria in each capsule aren't in high enough quantities to have any sort of effect.

Recent studies have shown that using probiotics when your gut function is already compromised is actually quite risky.

👉🏽 In fact, taking probiotics can actually increase the inflammation in your gut!

Studies from respected medical journals have demonstrated that after using probiotics there are delays in normal healthy bacteria re-establishing themselves in your gut.

In other words, you’d be better off doing nothing at all over trying to use the majority of probiotics to repair your digestive system!
❌ Antispasmodic Pills are a band aid fix
Next up we have antispasmodic pills, primarily used to treat IBS and calm down the spasms in your colon. The problem is, this is a band-aid solution.
Antispasmodic Pills
Dizziness, drowsiness, weakness, blurred vision, dry eyes, dry
mouth, nausea, constipation, and abdominal bloating may occur.
Sure you might have some temporary relief from your symptoms, however the root cause isn’t being addressed.

In fact, it’s not recommended to take these pills long-term as they may end up doing more harm than good. They definitely won’t cure your IBS either.
❌ Anti-Inflammatory Pills simply mask the symptoms
But let’s say you don’t have IBS, you might have Ulcerative Colitis or Crohn's instead and you’re dealing with bleeding ulcers.
Anti-Inflammatory Pills
Dangerous Chemicals

In that case, the pharmacist is most likely going to give you anti-inflammatories to ease your symptoms.

But again we run into the same problem, these pills are just masking the issue, they’re not doing anything to actually treat the root cause.
❌ The awful side effects of steroids
insomnia, acne, growth,
The next medication most folks with gut issues turn to is steroids.
studies show
While steroids might be good at reducing inflammation in your gut, they’re not recommended for long-term treatment due to their lack of effect in preventing flare-ups and their side effects.

Those side effects include…

Insomnia, acne, growth of facial hair, stretch marks, retention of salt (which can lead to ankle swelling and raised blood pressure)...

Mood disturbance, indigestion, appetite stimulation (which can cause weight gain), cataracts, osteoporosis…

Problems with blood supply to the top of the thighbone, and myopathy (muscle weakness).

And that’s just while you’re taking them!

Then there are the side effects…

You might experience this when you come OFF the steroids.

These include…

Fatigue, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, headache, joint pains, dizziness, and fever.

And these are meant to make you feel better??!!
One of the last resorts: Immunomodulators
If the steroids are a no-go, Doctors may prescribe immunomodulators to help you go into remission or help you if you do not respond to other treatments.
immune system
reduce immune system activity
Basically, these medicines are supposed to reduce immune system activity, resulting in less inflammation in your gut.

Immunomodulators can take several weeks to 3 months to start working.

They also come with these unpleasant side effects: a low white blood cell count, which can lead to a higher chance of infection, fatigue, nausea and vomiting and potentially pancreatitis.

Again, even if the medicines do work for you, you still have to suffer with more ill health. It’s like jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire.

So what the heck are you supposed to do?

Where do you turn next?

For me, my only option was surgery, and that was because…
👉🏽Traditional drugs treat the symptoms… NOT the root cause
When it comes down to it, all of these gut health issues; IBS, Chron’s, Ulcerative Colitis…are caused by essentially one of two conditions…
Leaky gut or dysbiosis in the gut.
If you’ve never heard the term before, leaky gut syndrome is a condition where intestinal permeability develops independently.
It’s caused by an imbalance of good bacteria and bad bacteria in your gut.
How does this imbalance occur?
It’s a mixture of poor food choices, too much alcohol, excessive stress, and a lack of sufficient nutrition when you were an infant.
👉🏽All of this leads to your gut lining being destroyed.
So if your intestinal barrier is impaired, it may be letting toxins into your bloodstream every time you consume food, which in turn is causing all those nasty symptoms you’re experiencing.
And here’s the thing, for decades scientists denied the link between leaky gut syndrome and Ulcerative Colitis…
But new research published in the journal Inflammatory Bowel Diseases proves a clear link between the two.
And while the scientists are frantically searching for a wonder drug to fix gut leakiness and cure chronic gut conditions (which are likely to cost thousands of dollars when they are available)...
I found a much simpler, all-natural, and cheaper solution...

Leaky Gut is robbing you of your health, energy, and vitality…

When toxins seep into your bloodstream from your undigested food, it causes inflammation which leads to the symptoms you experience like fatigue, constipation, chronic diarrhea, and stomach pain.
That inflammation is what triggers an auto-immune disorder.
On top of that, if you're taking lots of medications on a daily basis then those toxins can be very acidic in your digestive system, which can also lead to excess acid being produced causing perforations in your gut wall.
Some medications actually suppress your digestive juices, which means your food won’t be able to be digested properly.
trivia1MiracleSubstancedid you know?
I know this sounds quite complicated but if we want to heal our gut issues, I believe it comes down to looking after our bacterial flora.
The SOLUTION lies in treating the root cause of your symptoms: Leaky Gut
What if I told you there was a simple way to repair your gut wall, rebalance your microbiome, and clear out the bad bacteria in your gut in just 5 minutes a day?
You see, after almost giving up on my search for a solution, I stumbled upon something that would not only change my life, but the lives of thousands of other men and women who also deal with painful and uncomfortable digestive issues.

I discovered a little-known substance that miraculously gave people with chronic illnesses a new lease on life.

This miracle substance was used in Ancient India (my ancestral origins) by Ayurvedic doctors for thousands of years to treat a variety of illnesses…
In fact, the famous Maasai warriors from Africa still thrive predominantly on a diet rich in this natural healing wonder.
It’s why the Maasai warriors were so strong and healthy.
Their secret — and the secret that helped heal my leaky gut from destroying my life and has helped thousands of men and women across the world.
It does it by repair your gut wall while rebalancing your gut microbiome and clearing out the bad bacteria in your gut.
Just imagine…
Waking up every day with more energy, no bloat, and no pain whatsoever when you visit the toilet…
No more worrying about what you’re eating when you go to a restaurant…
No more bloated belly or unwanted weight gain…
No more debilitating stomach pain or urgent visits to the toilet…
No more temporary fixes or band-aid solutions…


Colostrum Logo
#1 most essential food for all mammalian LIFE on Earth, world-wide!
Grown into a global movement that has impacted over a million lives, empowering individuals and communities to take charge of their health and lead inspired lives.
5 Star
When you start taking Renegade Colostrum, the growth factors that enter your body start repairing and promoting the growth of new, healthy cells. With more healthy cells, your body can start to repair any perforations in your digestive tract.
And because Renegade Colostrum contains an abundance of other good nutrients and healthy fats, Renegade Colostrum promotes the growth of good bacteria as well.

When you have good bacteria colonizing and forming in your digestive tract, the bacteria start eating away and killing off the bad bacteria while also suppressing its growth.
This has a two-pronged effect, in that not only does Renegade Colostrum promote the good bacteria to grow,  but it also heals and repairs the lining of your gut.

And what does all that mean for you?

A dramatic reduction in the severity of your symptoms, better health, more energy, and greater vitality.
Claim Your Supply Of Colostrum Today >

So what is Colostrum exactly?

🥛 Colostrum is the first milk that a mother produces to feed her newborn baby.
You consumed colostrum from the day you were born and it is responsible for giving you your first immune system and supporting your rapid growth as a baby.
However if you did not get enough colostrum as a baby, or if you were not breastfed for long enough, your immune system would have been weakened and this would have affected you negatively for the rest of your life.
Fortunately, there is a highly effective alternative to human colostrum that you can take later in life: Bovine colostrum, produced by cows.
It’s as if nature intended us to use cows' colostrum for its healing properties.

Colostrum is an immunity protein so crucial to our health and defense mechanisms that all lactating mothers produce it in high concentration for their newborns and it's found in abundance in bovine colostrum.

It's Mother Nature's formula for optimum health!
Colostrum may well be the best practical protection available against auto-immune disease.
It’s completely natural and free of side effects.
Just one of the amazing colostrum benefits is that it's been scientifically proven to help slow down the aging process.
Each serving of Colostrum contains hGH, IGF-I and other growth factors which can help you feel and look more youthful.

How Colostrum Helps to
Heal Your Gut…

So how does Colostrum actually work then? How do you take it?
colostrumColostrum Trivia
So upon waking, take a heaped tablespoon of Colostrum and place it in your mouth. Let the Colostrum absorb into your gums so that the healthy nutrients can start making their way into your bloodstream.
Enjoy the creamy, delicious flavor…
it’s delicious!
After a minute or two, coat the colostrum in your saliva before swallowing it.
Your saliva will stop the Colostrum from getting digested fully by your stomach acids, allowing it to get to work on your intestines.
By following this routine for at least two weeks, as well as steering clear of any inflammatory foods or toxins, you can give your digestive system the best chance to rapidly heal itself and start experiencing some significant benefits!
Beware of Cheaper
Defatted Brands!
I made sure my formula — Renegade Colostrum retains its original fat content for VERY important reason…
Research shows that the fat “holds” approximately 50 percent of the IGF-I. In a controlled laboratory study at Minnesota Valley Testing Laboratories, New Ulm…
However, it was found that some popular imported brands of colostrum have an extremely low-fat content of less than five percent.
Many widely marketed brands of colostrum have immunoglobulin counts ranging from 25 to 40 percent; these products are usually filtered or standardized specifically for immunoglobulins but all other components removed.
But our philosophy is to produce a product that is 100 percent first milking and complete. Some products touting high immunoglobulin levels contain 30 percent or more.
Renegade Colostrum’s immunoglobulin content is 22.11 percent, which indicates a high level of growth factors.
And unlike other Colostrum products on the market…
Renegade Colostrum has not been filtered, standardized or manipulated in any way.

Renegade Colostrum’s powerful and all-natural ingredients promote complete gut healing and optimal health

Nature's Healing Wonder Lactoferrin
Lactoferrin is an immunity protein so crucial to our health and defense mechanisms that all lactating mothers produce it in high concentration for their newborns. It’s also found in abundance in bovine colostrum. Lactoferrin helps to regulate how well iron is absorbed into the body from the intestine, it’s a natural yet powerful immune modulator.
Bacteria fighting Immunoglobulins IgG, IgA, IgM, IgE, IgD
These are large, complex sugar/protein (glycoprotein) molecules (also known as antibodies) used by the immune system. Immunoglobulins are the body's first defense against invading microbes, helping to prevent infections from spreading to other areas of the body.
Improve brain function with Colostrinin (also known as Proline-Rich Polypeptides)
Colostrinin is found in bovine colostrum and has been shown to be effective in the treatment of many health conditions, most notably neuro-degenerative conditions (such as Alzheimer’s), viral infections, auto-immune conditions, asthma, and allergic conditions.
Glutathione: Nature’s best defense against free radicals
Glutathione is an incredibly powerful antioxidant that offers protection to cells from free radicals. It’s also essential for the proper function of our immune systems and is vital in repairing and rebuilding tissue in the gut.
Rapid tissue repair with Epidermal Growth Factor
Epidermal growth factors are large proteins that float between cells communicating crucial messages relevant to growth, healing, and survival. These powerful proteins pack some serious punch when it comes to repairing tissue and they can even help to give you more radiant and glowing skin.
Oligosaccharides are groups of 3-10 sugar molecules that protect against pathogens by competing for binding sites on the intestinal epithelium and provide support to friendly probiotic bacteria. Their ability to act as a prebiotic (food for your gut bacteria) may offer a wide range of health benefits, including a stronger immune system, a reduced appetite, and improved gut health.
Transferrin is a blood-plasma glycoprotein, which plays a central role in iron metabolism and is responsible for ferric-ion delivery. Transferrin functions as the most critical ferric pool in the body. It transports iron through the blood to various tissues such as the liver, spleen, and bone marrow, helping you to feel more energized throughout your day.
Leptin's main function is to help regulate the long-term balance between your body's food intake and energy use. Leptin helps to suppress hunger and regulate the body’s energy balance so that your body doesn't trigger a hunger response when it doesn't need more food, with more leptin in your body you may see a reduction in your body weight.

Here are all the benefits you can enjoy when you claim your supply of Renegade Colostrum today…

Sexy Body
Bad bacteria in the gut is known to cause excessive sugar cravings - bad bacteria actually feed off the sugar and multiplies, making you feel sicker and gain unwanted weight. Once the gut flora is rebalanced, cravings go down as does your waistline!
Clear Bowel
One of the most significant things Renegade Colostrum users note is that it becomes much easier to have bowel movements after taking Renegade Colostrum. This is because food starts to be digested properly, passing through your digestive tract more easily.
No Bacteria
Once the bad bacteria have been cleared from your gut thanks to Renegade Colostrum, you can expect to have more regular bowel movements, increased energy, more mental clarity and a whole new lease on life
Gut health issues can cause awful skin rashes and acne, but once you have your gut microbiome back in balance you’ll start to notice your skin clear up - don’t be surprised if your friends and family start telling you that you’re glowing from the inside out!
Start experiencing complete relief and total elimination each day. No more of that 'backed up’ feeling or painful stomach due to gas. No more undigested foods fermenting in your gut. No more blood in your stools!
If you consistently make it through the day without needing a nap or caffeine as a pick-me-up, it’s a good sign that your body is getting the right nutrients and absorbing them properly. Digesting food requires a lot of energy. If your digestive system isn’t functioning properly, your body might send more stored energy to the stomach or intestines than other internal systems. This can leave you feeling fatigued as your body tries to compensate for the imbalance.
Having to constantly strain on the toilet or excessively wipe due to diarrhea can cause significant pain in your backside and lead to discomfort during the day - interfering with your quality of life. Once your digestive system is back to running like clockwork you can expect a significant reduction in pain in your butt!
Once your body is more capable of extracting the nutrients from your food, you’ll notice an uptick in your focus and concentration - that’s because your digestive system is extracting energy from your food properly, instead of you having to focus all your energy on digesting the food.
Experience Perfect Poops Daily   >

What People Say About
Renegade Colostrum…

“It is great to feel this good again…”
I have rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Several months ago I was so tired, I could hardly put one foot in front of the other. Then after about three weeks of doing this, Iwoke up one morning and I felt really good; it surprised me. I worked all day, walked a mile and a half and when I returned home I was even more surprised that I still had plenty of energy. It is great to feel this good again
Renee P.
verified customer
“My bloating has decreased by 75%...”
I had to undergo major surgery which triggered my IBS And was experiencing major bloating just by drinking water and eating any kind of food I look like I was 9 month pregnant which I'm not as a result of Bloating, since incorporating colostrum for 2 weeks now I noticed a huge shift my bloating has decreased by 75%. I feel great and much better. I had tried other things and nothing was working till I tried this colostrum.
Jessica Torna.
verified customer
“This is beyond a miracle!”
By far the most effective supplement I have ever tried for CFS, Increased energy and Leaky Gut Syndrome. Within 2 weeks of taking it, I have been able to do things that I couldn't do for over 3 years... This is beyond a miracle!
Ms. J.M. Evans.
verified customer
“Very yummy…”
Suffering from tummy issues, aches and pains that make me feel pretty crap, this powder, which is also very yummy, has made a massive difference in my life. I will continue to take this on a daily basis.
Lisa Annie.
verified customer
“I have my son back and I couldn't be more grateful!”
“I am the mother of a 21 year old son, who has been suffering with bouts of severe ulcerative colitis for almost 2 years... I have my son back and I couldn't be more grateful! Since then I too, have also started using Niraj's methods with tremendous results - even my husband has shown an interest, after noticing the changes in both my son and myself.”
Brandi Eckert.
verified customer
“So far so good!”
“I've been using the colostrum for about 2 weeks now, I haven't had gut issues per se, but optimal gut health is always in my awareness, so I added this as part of my daily regime. So far so good!”
Wes Shroeder.
verified customer
“Tastes Delicious!”
“There are many ways to enjoy this product however I used it as a creamer in my coffee. Really look forward to my healthy drink in the morning. I’m using this with other diet changes and I’m happy to report its working!!”
RC Luna.
verified customer
“My gut enjoys this morning treat!”
“It’s part of my daily morning regiment before I have anything else to eat! Tastes wonderful & I let it melt in my mouth followed by water! My gut enjoys this morning treat!”
Wes Shroeder.
verified customer
“Helped me so much with my IBS after my surgery…”
Renegade colostrum has helped me so much with my IBS after my surgery this affected my small.intestine and had major bloating and constipation my gi doctor wanted to send a medication that would cost 2,000 dollars I opted for colostrum and it helped remove the bloat, stomach pains and regulated eliminated constipation. I Was very satisfied.
Jessica Torna.
verified customer
Claim Your Supply Today

Now I'm guessing you're probably ready to try this natural solution for yourself, and you should be.

Just imagine waking up each morning, completely emptying your bowels with gentle ease…


It feels good...

You feel full relief…

The uncomfortable bloating and painful cramps have gone away…

Your stomach feels flatter and sexier…

You suddenly have more confidence to wear your clothes, be more social, eat out at your favorite restaurants…

And even share more intimate moments with a loved one without feeling anxious or uncomfortable.

You have more energy

More focus…

And life just gets better and better…

Now, given the lack of real solutions for digestive issues, I could easily offer this at a very high price.
And you know what?
I’m quite certain our customers would be happy with it.
Think about it…
How much would you be willing to invest to wake up each day feeling light and energetic, experiencing healthy, painless bowel movements each and every day…
How much would you pay to be free of painful cramps, uncomfortable belly bloating, and embarrassing gas?
Imagine eating all the foods you love free of digestive issues...
Looking in the mirror and seeing a trim and sexy waistline
How much more confidence will that give you?
What would you be willing to spend if you were absolutely positively sure this would work?
$200, $300 $500?
Let's be honest…
You can’t put a price on your health and the freedom to live life on your terms.
That's why I feel the retail value of this product is a steal at $69.95.
However, my goal with Renegade Colostrum is to put it into the hands of people everywhere who deserve to live a life without suffering.
And since our licensing agreement with our ingredient suppliers prevents me from selling Renegade Colostrum in stores, we cut out all middlemen and made it available only on our website.
So here’s how you benefit…
I’m about to make our ultra-premium product and pass the savings on to you.
That means you don’t need to invest $150 to enjoy more consistent bowel movements…
More energy as your body is now able to absorb more energy-rich nutrients from the food you eat…
A flatter belly as the annoying and uncomfortable bloating disappears…
....And the joy of eating all your favorite food again with complete freedom and the confidence that your digestion will work perfectly every single hour.
In fact, you don’t need to invest $125 or even $100.
That’s because we’re offering Colostrum today for just $59.95.
That’s more than 40% off our retail price.
Get Total Digestive Relief Today >>
(1 Tub)
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30 Days Supply
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(6 Tubs)
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You save $252
180 Days Supply
(3 Tubs)
/ tub
You save $111
90 Days Supply

But that’s not all…

Because you’ve made it this far on the page, it’s obvious you’re serious about your health, and you were interested in seeing how this one-of-a-kind solution can help YOU, the same way it’s helping thousands of others.

Which is why I want to give you the opportunity to try this new formulation at a special price available through this video…

That’s another $10 off, and all I ask in return is that you send me your success story once you put this product to the test.

But please know, this is the only place you’ll find Renegade Colostrum at such a low price.

This deal is not available on Amazon
or anywhere else.

Buy Now  >

You’re also covered by my 60-day no questions asked 100% money-back guarantee to make getting started an absolute
no-brainer for you.

Niraj Naik
If trying Renegade Colostrum doesn’t lead to life-changing results, or if you change your mind for any reason whatsoever, just let me know anytime in the next 60 days and we’ll refund you the purchase price right away.
It’s that simple.
It doesn’t matter if you’ve used up the entire tub, you’ll get all your money back.
I work with the friendliest customer support team who are easy to get a hold of and are on standby to answer any questions you have.
There’s simply no risk to you.
The only risk you could possibly face is the one of pain and regret that you missed out on experiencing this life-changing formula when you had the chance.
Right now, you have three full months to test drive Renegade Colostrum and see for yourself all the amazing impact Renegade Colostrum will have on your digestion, your health, your appearance, and your life, then decide.
It’s time to select your money-saving package below and to experience everything I’ve talked about 100% risk-free today.
And here's the best part…
While many users report noticeable relief in as little as a week, the real magic happens when you take Renegade Colostrum for 60 days or more.
That’s because Renegade Colostrum ingredients build up in your body, healing and restoring your digestive system to full optimal health, which means the longer you take Renegade Colostrum, the better you feel.
Since I've cracked the code to provide digestive relief, people everywhere have been ordering more Colostrum every day.
My customers have been loving how they feel and what they see in the mirror.
Renegade Colostrum is the perfect solution for giving you back your life and that’s why Colostrum has been in high demand.
And remember, you’re totally covered by my generous 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee no matter which package you choose.
Click the “ADD TO CART” button below to be taken to a secure checkout page.
I can’t wait to hear your success story too.
Wishing you and your family health and happiness, no matter what you decide today.
Niraj Naik
Niraj Naik
Pharmacist and Medical Researcher
(1 Tub)
/ tub
30 Days Supply
free shipping
(6 Tubs)
/ tub
You save $252
180 Days Supply
(3 Tubs)
/ tub
You save $111
90 Days Supply

Frequently Asked Questions


What makes Renegade Colostrum better than anything else I’ve tried for my gut issues?
Renegade Colostrum is a 100% all-natural substance derived from happy and healthy cows. Unlike traditional medications that are used to treat gut issues, there are
absolutely no side effects. With hundreds of happy customers, Renegade Colostrum users have described our product as a game-changer for their gut health.


Will Renegade Colostrum help me lose weight?
Bad bacteria in the gut can lead to excessive sugar cravings that cause excess weight gain. But once your gut microbiome is back in balance thanks to Renegade Colostrum, you can expect to feel less bloated and lighter overall.

Renegade Colostrum is also a very filling substance, so you may find that you don’t consume as much food while taking it, which could lead to a noticeable reduction in weight.


Does Renegazde Colostrum have any side effects?
Renegade Colostrum functions as a natural and 100 percent safe support to the human immune system and unlike pharmaceuticals, there are absolutely no side effects!


What about bloating and constipation?
In a recent study it was found that colostrum, when administered to patients suffering from constipation, acts favorably inducing elimination of stool mass without causing irritation, cramps or electrolyte disturbances.

In fact, during the clinic trials, 11 out of 12 treated patients showed a favorable response to the treatment with colostrum, obtaining an effective, natural laxative action.


How quickly will I see results with Renegade Colostrum?
It’s recommended to take Renegade Colostrum for at least two weeks in order to start experiencing the benefits. It’s best to avoid inflammatory foods during this time as your gut repairs itself.


I’ve seen Colostrum advertised elsewhere at a cheaper price. Why should I buy Renegade’s Colostrum?
The highest-quality colostrum is known as six-hour colostrum, which is extracted from a cow within six hours of a calf’s birth and spray dried using a low-heat process that maintains the high bioavailability.

After six hours, the concentration of the active ingredients declines considerably. Many companies sell 24- or 72-hour colostrum, but six-hour colostrum is the only form that you want if you want the full health benefits – Renegade Colostrum is the only brand certified and verified as true 6 Hour colostrum by the prestigious Cornell University.

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